Prologue: Part 1
Prologue: Part 2
Prologue: Part 3
1: Chapter 1: When Goonie met Goonie
2: Scratchy's Escape
3: Dude
4: Dude Part 2
5: Dude Part 3
6: Dude Part 4
7: The secret of the clones
8: Sis
9: Sis Part 2
10: Sis Part 3
11: Sis Part 4
12: Chapter 2: Confrontation
13: You're a douchebag, Mr Rock
14: Rock vs Goonie Labs
15: More Dead Clones
16: Goonie Goomba gives a speech
17: Bio
For those of you new to the Gombie series click the first button and read from the beginning- Carmell

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