![]() ![]() HINATA CALIBRATION: This is basically a an "Order Equals FAQ" for MUGEN. I'm only making this FAQ because I wish I had read something like it when I started MUGEN. It certainly would have saved ME some time. I'm well aware most people wont give a crap. So dont email me telling me that this FAQ is a waste of text and time. All "order=" on my roster were calibrated in the way I'm about to describe. I used Hinata Wakaba by Li_Kun & Fervicante mainly just because I like playing as her, but she is also just a good character to use. While you can use other characters to calibrate your "order=", some are indeed just bad to use. If you're not going to use Hinata to calibrate I'd suggest any character with a close distance physical attack. Ryu's Hurricane Kick is a good example since it moves you into the enemy's face while attacking. Even Dan's Flying Kick will probably do the trick. Hell it might be an even better one to use because some of the Ryus for MUGEN I've seen have attack power a bit too high for the purposes of calibration. Okay. Down to business. What you basically want to do is an attack and retreat strategy. A methodically mindless pattern of attacking and retreating. What you don't want to do is "Try to win". If you actually try to fight, you'll ruin the whole calibration test. If you're wondering why, it's because if you try to fight, especially with your best character.You'll probably outright destroy the enemy and not get a very clear picture of how hard they really are. That was my big mistake when I first set the order= on my roster. I basically just corner grinded everyone with Ken and some characters who would turn out to be even bosses for other characters were listed as order=1 and I realized I fucked up big time. That's the whole point of this thing; to make an order= rating that works for 90% of characters out there, not just the one you're the best with but anybody you'd pick off your roster. Calibration Step by Step: As soon as battle begins use Hinata's "Blazing Dance Kick" ![]() If it hits, blocked or otherwise. Jump backward to put some distance between you and your opponent. The purpose of this is to give the opponent some room to breathe and some time to perform moves instead of just corner grinding them. It doesn't hurt the process if you air block while jumping backward. Most characters auto air block anyway when you jump backward. ![]() If your "Blazing Dance Kick" doesn't connect for any reason, feel free to just perform it again even if it is relatively right in their face. ![]() ORDER 1-4 and 5 Now in order the gauge the difficulty of the oponnent. You have to factor in a few different guidelines. Here are my rules for which order number they deserve. ORDER=1 You performed the Calibration Test and the opponent died without you once actually trying. And not only did you beat them. They didn't even phase your health. Let's say your life bar for each round was worth 100 points, making a total of 200 points. If your opponent does less than 100 points of damage over the 2 rounds or less than 50% on both then they're an order=1 and basically they're a joke. If they win a round or even do 30% and 70% the second. They are not an order=1. ORDER=2 You performed the Calibration Test and won without trying, but they either won a round or did significant damage on both. Basically noticeably harder than a order=1 but still beatable without trying. Maybe if they got lucky they could have even killed you both rounds, but if it's your first time trying to do the calibration and it seems like they're an order=2 then they probably are and I'd say just go ahead and list them as order=2. If it's your first attempt and they win 2 rounds they're automatically not an order=2. ORDER=3 You performed the Calibration Test and you died. But when you tried again for real you beat them soundly. In fact as long as you win your first try, dont worry about if you lost a round in the attempt. But if your first serious try fails, they're probably not an order=3 but do account for bad luck. If you repeatedly fail there is no way it's an order=3 ORDER=4 Forget the Calibration Test. You're seriously trying and still failing. This is the order reserved for boss characters. There is a lot of degrees of order=4 but anything within possibility of beating without using a broken character can only be an order=4 no matter how hard they are. Any order=4 on my list I have in fact beaten even if they were insanely unbalanced. ORDER=5 Broken characters. Order=5 is just a listing so my Mugen doesn't crash. These characters can't be beaten unless you yourself are using another broken character or by some kind of weird fluke loophole that a very specific character has. Either way probably any order=5 you see in my roster is a lost cause. There are degrees of order=5, but it doesn't really matter. Broken is broken. |